Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Living on a Houseboat / Narrowboat (Documentary)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is America fixing to launch a new wicth hunt?

Do you know how witch hunts get started? Something scary happens, or IS happening, and scared people start seeking answers. Then when none of their answers work? They seek out a convenient scapegoat, and blame that person, thing or persons, and usually precede to destroy them. Anyone who is different, disliked or oppressed is a convenient scapegoat. Sometimes the very witches in a community are the ones who lead the search, and who label some one as a witch---other than themselves. The result is injustice. After that incident in Connecticut last Friday? America wants ANSWERS. Hang on to your seats! Who will be the wicthes? Our dear dimwitted friends in the NRA?? GUNS DO KILL PEOPLE! But an IDIOT who shouldn't have a gun pulls the trigger! Watch them target those with Aspbergers Syndrome, or any other kind of mental illness. What was the last mental illness that they targeted when they did ta witch hunt? Bi-Polar Disorder? Or maybe they’ll go after their other favorite witch hunt scapegoats: inner city children of color. Do you notice that when yet another unarmed teenager gets MURDERED by a white man they ALWAYS manage to make the murdered teenager the villain, and the white male MURDERER the victim? How are they going to deal with this last atrocity? Watch our bumble headed leaders “Get tough” and start expelling brown and black kids for having fist fights, or brown and black elementary school kids for kissing girls. In the mean times? Out in good old rich Suburbia? They’ll keep chasing rabbit trails while a hungry wolf is growing in their home getting ready to pounce again. Ain’t America grand? When will America get serious and take an honest look at its true problem?

Monday, December 17, 2012

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use your ← left & right → arrow keys to scroll photos

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Is speaker of The House Beohner a common GIT?
1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.
2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.
3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.
Could the GIT not have worked something out sooner? Or was he simply living up to his GIT nature?

Sunday, December 16, 2012


PRESIDENT OBAMA STANDS TALL Once again at a moment of national darkness. I'm heart broken every time yet another crazed white man slaughters yet another flock of innocents. IT'S WA WHITE MALE THING, PEOPLE! Where will it stop? When will we admit that there is a secret sickness among white men? What community is next? Gun control in and of itself is not enough. At some point America MUST admit that there is a major problem among young white men. American white families are creating a generation of murderous psychopaths. I think of a woman who recently made comments on fb, or my friend who made certain unsettling comments to me, and I see that white America has a great deal of soul searching to do. The people who are producing these monsters need to stop spewing  venom in front of their young, impressionable children. They may deny that that is what they are doing, but look in the eyes of many whites and you see a sick sense of hatred and fear. Why are racist white groups signing up record numbers of recruits if I'm wrong? Their venom is coming back to poison them. It is very telling that the woman who stock piled  weapons in preparation for some sort of dooms day scenario, ended by being slaughtered by the very guns, by her own son. A soul full of hate does not care about irony. White America has a major chip on it's shoulder, and if you look at all of the guns that survivalists pack with their "bug out bags", it's obvious that THIS AIN'T OVER!